John Walsh Bagpipes Ltd.

John Walsh Bagpipes Ltd.
Antigonish, , , Nova Scotia, Canada
CALL US: (902) 863-0815
Fax: (902) 863-0535


Shuttle Pipes

John's Shuttle Pipes are simliar in style and shape to the original Shuttle Pipe which dates back to 1695 where the Pipe was bellows blown,had three open ended drones from one main stock and a plain Ivory open ended chanter.The Walsh Shuttle pipes are in the Key of A.The fingering is the same the Great Highland Bagpipes and the Standard model is mouthblown.The Plastic reeds are made in house and the wood used is Maple. John's first design was the 2-Drone model ( bass and tenor drone ). He later added the 3-Drone model ( bass , baritione and tenor drone). Each set of Shuttle pipes is vigorously tested by John before it leaves our workshop.    


*** Please note : We are now using Eco-Friendly Hardwood for our Chanter upgrade.    





  SKU Product Our price
2dshrr 2 Drone Shuttle Pipes Replacement Set of Reeds CA$48.50
2-Drone Deposit 2-Drone Shuttle Pipe CA$100.00
shuttle_2to3 3 Drone Shuttle Conversion CA$379.00
3dshrr 3 Drone Shuttle Pipes Replacement Set of Reeds CA$60.50
3-Drone Deposit 3-Drone Shuttle Pipe CA$100.00
adjbpsp Adjustable Blowpipe for Small Pipes or Shuttle Pipes CA$95.00
bellows Bellows Conversion Kit CA$445.00
Shut_BP Blowpipe CA$82.00
RPPB Replacement bag for Small Pipes and Shuttle Pipes CA$139.00
rep_mpspad Shuttle Pipe or Small Pipe Plastic Mouth piece CA$25.00
shpcr Shuttle Pipes Chanter Reed CA$25.00
shpdr Shuttle Pipes Drone Reed CA$12.00