John Walsh Bagpipes Ltd.

John Walsh Bagpipes Ltd.
Antigonish, , , Nova Scotia, Canada
CALL US: (902) 863-0815
Fax: (902) 863-0535


Piping Accessories

Please check out our product list as there just might be something shown which will complete your purchase.

  SKU Product Our price
adjbpghb Adjustable Blowpipe for GHB CA$130.00
adjbpsp Adjustable Blowpipe for Small Pipes or Shuttle Pipes CA$95.00
bpmpo Bagpipe Mouthpiece - Oval CA$28.00
bpmpr Bagpipe Mouthpiece - Round CA$25.00
bhpb Bannatyne Hide Pipe Bag CA$285.00
bspb Bannatyne Synthetic Pipe Bag CA$185.00
bpb Blowpipe - Built-in-Valve CA$125.00
bpa Blowpipe -Built-in Spit Trap CA$125.00
ezdr Ezeedrone Reeds CA$120.00
mpshtad Mouthpiece - Shuttle, A, and D Pipes CA$25.00
psc Piper's Choice Back Pack Case CA$195.00
RPPB Replacement bag for Small Pipes and Shuttle Pipes CA$139.00